Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 3 Blog (sorry so late)

So sorry this is late. My computer has been down, along with all of my saved work. It's back now and let's hope it stays that way!

After reading Schacter, I started thinking about memory consolidation as well. Like Bailey, I was always told by dance teachers to go over combinations, phrases and everything in my head before falling asleep. When I was younger this was really hard for me because, lying in bed trying to do a dance combination without actually doing it felt impossible. I had a hard time lying still when I was moving in my head. It’s easier now, and I think it does help me to remember. But it is a different thing if I’m trying to remember what I read that day, or things for a test compared to going over a physical thing without the physical aspect. I’m also curious about how consolidation when we are awake affects memory while we sleep. When I do run over dance combinations in my head before sleep, sometimes I find myself even more exhausted afterward, before sleeping. Does this affect how I feel the next morning, or in those instances when I do wake from vivid dreams exhausted because the dream was physically exhausting?

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