Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 19th Blog

I was also very interested in the comparions made between the human memory and computers. I would agree that emotion and feeling are what separate the two. Some people remember events purely by what was going on emotionaly. This is something computers will never accomplish.

The 'whys' of many of the issues with memory are what I went over the most. Bourtchouladze's recount of Ebbinghaus' curve of forgetting caught my attention. I'm sure the question of why we remember the things we do, will arise often. However, I would tend to disagree that the good memories are what stand out. The majority of my childhood memories are traumatic events. It tends to be the memories of overwhelming moments that last, and those tend to be the painful. When we fell down the stairs and had to get stitches, or broke a bone, etc. I can't count the times I've sat around with friends telling "horror" stories from our childhoods, where this scar came from, or how badly we had the chicken pox. But maybe that's just me?

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